Monday, February 23, 2009

The Wet Fly Swing.

It is employed for all sorts of fish, where ever there's a current. Trout anglers use it when fish are holding deep, and not rising for any specific hatch. Striped bass anglers find the wet fly swing works the baitfish imitations in this, to give them a lifelike show, that fools fish again. The wet fly swing is most frequently used with streamers, like the Woolly Bugger or Muddler Minnow and often wet flies, like soft hackles or sprites. Depth is of significance, as usually this system is employed for fish fibbing deep. If you do not get the depth you need, than try adding more weight, a bigger fly, or switching lines. I try and avoid a sinking line, as I like the line to lie on the water, for easy control, casting, and naturally, setting that hook.

The wet fly swing at its simplest is this.

Like plenty of things in fly fishing you can ask ten different fly anglers a single query and you will get ten different answers. And the answer varies with each situation. There that is the end of it, excepting one thing. However if you're fishing out west in massive water, under gusty conditions, fighting larger than average fish, then you'll be cursing your seven weight rod in no time, as being too light. With nine and a half advocated, particularly for weights over seven. The wet fly swing at its simplest is this.

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