Monday, March 23, 2009

Confidence in Fly Fishing.

Internet site, we are here to simplify all of it. Well the very first thing a fly reel was ever built to do, was to grip the line. The ultra cheap models will also in no time stop to work altogether, making you pony up more dough and thus negating the sole advantage the ultra inexpensive model had to start with.

Temporarily keep away from the ultra inexpensive models. After the first function of the fly reel has been satisfied, the very next thing to look at is drag. There are two kinds of drag out there, 'spring and pawl', and 'disc drag. For people who, like me, have memories of fishing that pre-date memories of school, think back to as many fishing partners and trips as you can. Even those folks you only went fishing with once. If you consider it in these terms, I bet you can recollect many times, when an angler's, confidence or lack thereof, either condemned them or buoyed then until they started catching fish. 3 quick stories come to mind illustrate this. I am skeptical that two oz. of weight from the fly reel will make that much difference to your fatigue factor. Though I agree, the 'feel' should be correct, and if at all possible try out your fly reel on your rod before buying. They also increase drag consistency, since the spool isn't spinning as often a really nice benefit when using the disc drag reel.

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